Monday, April 16, 2018

secondary school life, friends , foods in my hometown

  Since primary school, I am the only one who always stick together with my books as they always call me the bookworm. They always say me I am just act like a lady but actually it is not because I also know how to play sport. They look down on me and don't even like to invite me to play basketball. When I was the standard 2 and 3 student , my body is actually huge and it can be also mention as obese.So, they always call me the "FAT ROLLING BALL". So, I decided to do something. What do you think I will do ? Maybe I will murder all of them because I always learn the skill of fighting in front of the TV. HAHA , JUST KIDDING! What is I decided to do is , I  decided to CHANGE MYSELF by making myself slim ,fit and look like a TINY BONE! I actually make myself to avoid myself to eat any kind of meat because I scared myself will become the fat rolling ball again!!!  Even I try harder , I still getting laugh by all this silly person from my primary school. So, my parents decided to take me to consult a psychologist to eliminate all the bad things inside my deep recess of heart. Finally , I was being successful for walking out from the DARK because MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU....... HAHA, I make cold joke again !!!! The force does n't  help me because I am not a JEDI master. Is been  a long time I making cold joke, now lets get started with my main topic which is  MY SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE .
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  At the beginning I thought that secondary school is more terrible than primary because there is a huge number of students which come from different religion and home background. But when they started talk to me , I found most of them are friendly especially student from other religion(NOT MUCH CHINESE FRIENDLY TO ME). Since primary school I decided to be a prefect which will help school to solve the cases like vandalism , gangster problem . I have work hard as  a  trainer prefect and even get scolded by gangster by millions kind of dirty words but I get fired by my senior.IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!!!!!!! You know what they say to me , they say me I am not doing my duty during recess,and did not make the canteen clean,and even mention me blur. I can except the blur word but cannot except the reason that they say me "you did not do your canteen duty". I have did all my jobs including another extra duty. WHY DO THEY DO THIS TO ME BUT NOT OTHER PERSON WHO DID NOT DO THEIR JOB!!!

                              Image result for being firedRelated image


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  You know what happen to be moving on to the next, 
WHO CARES? If it is a SECRET, did you CARE? HAHA, lets continue with our story. At form 4 , I was being selected as a trainer prefect again, is a beginning, HUH? WHO KNOWS? Finally after few month, I become a real prefect.
Being prefect is not that easy, you have to be self-disciplined ,be responsible every single minutes but it is fun and even can enhance your leadership. LETS TAKE THIS CHALLENGE AND YOU WILL KNOW IT!!! 
  In my secondary school life ,it is not only about the prefect life but there is other interesting things that happen in my class. During end of the year of form 3, I had a crush on a beautiful girl with that sunshine smile,her name is called Loo Yi Ning. I even wish to enroll the same class as her during form 4. But the sad thing is we are not being graded into the same class. Distance spread us apart  and we rarely can meet each other  and I start to give up .In form 4 , I meet another girl called TANG, I though she was thee one but she is not my type and she reject me as a friend. I know this sound childish because I was trying to find someone to replace her place in my heart but this does not work. Finally as I reach form 5, I decided to pick up my courage to confess to her. I even use my tuition job earning to buy her birthday gift and pass to her. But when I heard my friend said she pass my gift to her sister, I really fall into the desperation but I still did not give up. At the last day of the SPM, after the bell rang , I started to bring my ukelele and rush to her to play and sing a song in front of her but she say very awkward then she reject me again. As I reminder for all the reader, I persuade you guys that you all should never try to get a girl or fall in love to a girl during secondary school because all of us doesn't have a MATURE MIND.


The photo that I take with her during "HARI KEBUDAYAAN"

The photo that I take with her during "CHINESE MOONCAKE FESTTIVAL CELEBRATION"

                                      She is a good girl but I am too childish and she is not fault
                                     Boys I tell you one secret don't be childish anymore and you will get                                                your girl. JUST KIDDING!!!

 As I told you earlier , I was being bullied during primary school and does not have much friends but finally at secondary school I met a lot of friends especially during form 5. At the first day of the form 5, I was being placed by teacher to sit with a group of girl and I am the ONLY ONE BOY in the group. Its too scary man!!! I don't even know how to communicate with girls!!!After few weeks, we began to meet each other and I finally can overcome my fear to communicate with girls. In my group,I have meet a friend called CHIA CHUN YING. She is very special as she always want to did her work without any MISTAKES . I always ask her for help in teaching me the question I did not understand and she did not reject me and she try to help me in various ways. So I begin to call her as 'CHUN YING JIE' which means that I very respect to her. Sometime when she talk gossip to her friends, I accidentally heard what she said  and she scolded me and say me very annoying. We even have a row sometimes because sometime I speak loudly to her as I was angry that she scold me. But I was  the first one who raise the white flag and apologize to her. She don't really easy in forgive me, so I decided to convey my message in a  apologize card that make by myself and she was being touched by my card. Finally , we became reconciled and become friend again. I appreciate that I have this good  female friend in my secondary school life. Without her, I can't score flying colors result in SPM and cannot get a perfect mark in our group assignments.

  Other than Chun Ying , I also meet two best friend during my  secondary school life. They are GOH  QI CHEN and NG JIA XUAN. Qi Chen is the one who really good in math, so every time he help me solve a lot of math question. When I was down , both of them will  always comfort me and make me not feel alone and stress. Both of them likes to makes joke to me but I was serious at all the time and even shout at them but did not angry with me because they my temper is not very good. Qi Chen even invite me to go for sports when I was alone. As he always say NO ONE CAN BE LEFT BEHIND! Thanks Qi Chen , you are the one who brings me out from "BOOKWORM" life. I remember once when I was upset and plan to kill myself when LOO YI NING reject me for the 3rd time, JIA XUAN was the only one who try to comfort me and bring my life back. He told me if you killed yourself, did your family feel sad,did your friend feel sad or even LOO feel sad,think about it,LIFE DOES'NT END WITH MURDERING YOURSELF. So, I really appreciate to have both of this friends.

The intelligent and pro female best friend are smiling.
(picture taken by her naughty friend Chan Jing En)

Third person is Tricky Ng Jia Xuan and The fourth person is 

Goh Qi Chen


  Now lets talk some details about my school environment. SMK BUKIT MEWAH is a beautiful government school with great achievement in  academics and co-curriculum. What makes it BEAUTIFUL? Was it because of the BEAUTIFUL AND PRETTY GIRL  in schooI. Maybe?But the truth things is BUKIT MEWAH seen beautiful because it is full of facilities such as gym,canteen ,e-lab, library. The most interesting part is the SCHOOL LIBRARY !! There is a lot of  encyclopedia and I can even borrow it without the limits of day!!!HOORAY!! I always do group study with my friends in library because it has many air conditioner that make us more comfortable in studies.The next thing about my school is the canteen. There are variety of  foods sold in my school canteens. I will never forget about the "Chicken Rojak Mi', the mi is so delicious and the chicken are CRISPY!!!
If you want to know more about my secondary school please visit the website below.

  Lastly, I will introduce the last  topic which is about my  hometown food. I stay in Seremban. In, Seremban, the most famous and delicious food is "SEREMBAN SIEW PAU" It has a CRISPY SKIN
and very delicious and you should try it out. The next food I want to introtuce to you guys is the roadside cendol which is very tasty.

  In conclusion, I have a wonderful secondary school life before and I have miss all the time we spend together to play,study and even the time in tasting the local food together!!!

Image result for siew pau serembanSEREMBAN SIEW PAU
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Image result for roadside cendolROADSIDE CENDOL
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